Burial Mounds at Yamanobe Road

There are very large, ancient tombs of past emperors and influential people along the Yamanobe Road. Visitors are not allowed inside the tombs in order to preserve them, but can approach the surrounding moats. Just image the scenery here when the tomb was built over 1000 years ago.

Burial Mound

Constructed mid-3rd century


Overall length 280m Maximum height 30m Front side width 130m Rear circle diameter 160m
This tomb is one of the oldest of the keyhole-shaped tumuli. It is designated as the tomb of Yamatototohimomoso Hime no Mikoto (Princess Yamatototohimomosohime). It may also be the grave of “Himiko”, the queen of Yamataikoku.


Tomb of Emperor

Constructed Late 4th Century


Overall length 310m Maximum height 25m Front side width 170m Rear circle diameter 168m
This tomb is held to be the burial place of Emperor Keiko, the 12th Emperor. It is the seventh largest in Japan.


Tomb of Emperor

Constructed Late 4th Century


Overall length 242m Maximum height 31m Front side width 100m Rear circle diameter 158m
This tomb is believed to be the resting place of Emperor Suiin, the 10th emperor.


Miyake Burial Mound Group


Shimanoyama Burial Mound

The Miyake burial mound group is a set including the 200m-long Shimanoyama Burial Mound(built between the end of the 4th century and beginning of the 5th) and ranging across three towns in the Shiki District of Nara Prefecture. Its use mainly flourished from the latter half of the 5th century to first half of the 6th century. Including smaller burial mounds, a total of 17 have been discovered. The name Miyake derives from the word “Miyake (pronounced the same way but using a different Chinese characters)” which refers to locations established under the direct jurisdiction of the Yamato Dynasty. The king ordered agricultural operations at Miyake, accumulated wealth, and constructed the burial mounds. Influential people from those Miyake are buried in these burial mounds. This Miyake system of direct jurisdiction spread across Japan and became the forerunner of local administration.

Makimuku Ishizuka Burial Mound

Teranomae Burial Mound

Hyoutanyama Burial Mound

Hokenoyama Burial Mound

Katsuyama Burial Mound