Copyrights of texts, images and other information posted on this website belong to Sakurai City. The copyrights of information produced by external parties through outsourcing belong to their respective authors.
If you wish to use such copyrighted works for the purpose of promoting the Man’yōshū and Man’yō poetry monuments, the original content of this website can be quoted as it is, for non-commercial use only, provided that the source is clearly stated. In this case, no application is required.
Example of a Source Reference: YAMATO UNKNOWN ORIGIN (Website, [URL of the relevant page])
※出典記載例 出典:「YAMATO UNKNOWN ORIGIN」ウェブサイト(当該ページのURL)
CONTACT US(お問い合わせ)
▶Tourism & Development Division , Sakurai City HallAddress432-1 Odono , Sakurai City , Nara Prefecture
Tel 0744-42-9111 Hours 8:30to17:15 Closed Weekends and holidays
〒633-8585 奈良県桜井市粟殿432-1
Tel 0744-42-9111 受付時間8:30~17:15(土日祝日除く)